Environmental :
ZNIEFF = ZNIEFF determinant Languedoc Roussillon
European Habitats Directive Codes:
D_Ax2 = species requiring Special Area of Conservation
D_Ax4 = species requiring strict protection
D_Ax5 = species restricted from taking from the wild
Plants associated with human activity (mainly farming), present at least since before 1500. Often uncertain if native or introduced.
Mes = any arable weed (French = messicole) in ZNIEFF or the Plan d’action national Messicole levels 2 & 3
Most of these are archeophytes
Threat of Extinction
Red List Codes :
LR(EN) Liste Rouge - vulnerable
LR(VU) Liste Rouge - vulnerable
LR(NT) Liste Rouge - near threatened
LR(LC) Liste Rouge - less concern
Legal :
PN_Ax1 Protection all France (Annexe 1)
PN_Ax2 Protection all France (Annexe 2)
PR_A Protection Auvergne
PR_LR Protection Languedoc Roussillon
PR_RA Protection Rhone-Alps
CITES Forbids international trade
Ber Berne Convention
This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON de NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards