Species of Conservation Concern

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Species of Conservation Concern

Explanation of STATUS codes
The key principles of conservation are :- The codes given for the species of conservation concern in the area around the Parc National des Cévennes are as follows :-

Environmental :

ZNIEFF (Zone naturelle d’interêt écologique) is a French inventory of natural habitats of ecological interest. and the plants they contain. The plants subject to ZNIEFF are given various codes (not listed here), depending on their conservation needs, and are kept continually under review.

Codes :
ZNIEFF = ZNIEFF determinant for this region (Languedoc Roussillon) )
Z_MC= ZNIEFF determinant for the Massif Central

European Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC ) drew up several annexes obliging European states to protect some 200 habitats.

D_Ax2 = species requiring designation of Special Areas of Conservation
D_Ax4 = species requiring strict protection
D_Ax5 = species restricted from taking from the wild by European legislation


Plants associated with human activity (mainly farming), present at least since before 1500. Often uncertain if native or introduced.
Most archeophytes are messicoles (see below). The handful of archeophytes that are not messicoles are signalled on this site under 'Status'


'Messicoles' is French for adventitious plants (weeds) of arable fields (wheat, barley etc). These are currently under severe threat due to changing agricultural practices. Most of these are archeophytes. The French Government have a ‘Plan d’action national Messicole’ which divides these 'messicoles' into 3 groups according to their level of threat of disappearance (still abundant, keep under surveillance and under threat).
ZNIEFF also have a distinct category for 'messicoles'.

Mes = any messicole covered by ZNIEFF or the Plan d’action national Messicole levels 2 & 3 (surveillance and under threat)

Red Lists : At Risk of Extinction :

Red Lists of species that are vulnerable to extinction. UICN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is charged with the overseeing of all red lists internationally for both plants and animals, with strict criteria common to all lists. The first list for the flowering plants of France was published at the end of 2012.
Bear in mind, any list deals with a broad area, and plants may still be threatened in a localised area, so treat all plants with respect.

Codes :
Liste Rouge UICN France 2012. Plants on the Red List using the criteria of UICN

LR(EN) Liste Rouge UICN - en danger (endangered)
LR(VU) Liste Rouge UICN - vulnérable (vulnerable)
LR(NT) Liste Rouge UICN - quasi menacée (near threatened)
LR(LC) Liste Rouge UICN - mineur préoccupation (less concern). Not signalled on this site as generally at least locally common.

Legal :

Certain plants have legal protection at national, regional, departmental or local level. The principal ones are listed here.

Codes :
PN_Ax1 Protection throughout France, Annexe 1
PN_Ax2 Protection throughout France, Annexe 2
PR_A Protection at regional level (Auvergne)
PR_LR Protection at regional level (Languedoc Roussillon)
CITES Subject to the (Washington) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Ber Protected under the Berne Convention for endangered species

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards