Naturescene's Flowers of the Cevennes: *** : Les Fleurs des Cévennes : Naturescene

Aproximately 1600 plants can be viewed and enlarged in a click, flowers, plants leaves, fruits!

*** Fully featured tablet version available for purchase to use in the field ***

This searchable database of hundreds of flowers of the Cévennes offers thousands of photos of the plants in their spectacular mountainous setting, together with their leaves and seeds/fruits

PURCHASE!! Use your tablet (or computer) to view all plants in the Cévennes
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Includes all features found on this site:

Descriptions in English and French
Principal plants (over 1600) illustrated with in-situ photos, as on this site
Names searchable in Latin, English and French (including all 11,400 Latin synonyms)
Line drawings, mainly by Abbé Coste and/or Butcher, for every single plant
Summaries in French and English of flowering season, needs for light and moisture, sample GPS
Descriptive text in French and English
Important points of differentiation often highlighted in descriptive text
Description and photos of habitats, together with key plants present
Also includes every other plant in the Cévennes:
Similar entries for every other plant (totalling about 2,480) recorded in the Cévennes National Park
Line drawings for nearly all, but without the photos (yet!)
Descriptive text for neary all
Latin synonyms for all (28,200)
Botanical dictionary

Internet site specifications (tablet specifications are fuller)

About 1150 key plants of the Parc National des Cévennes can be viewed and enlarged in a click, with line drawings and a descriptive text.
All photographed by DAVID DICKENSON, and include flowers, plants, leaves, and fruits

Latin Name: The full LATIN name is the one validated by Telabotanica, to whom we are really grateful for the extensive scholarship and availability of botanical information. Nomenclature is extremely complex, with many species having over 10 synonyms.
Latin Synonyms: Because the same plant has been 'discovered' and described by many botanists, and scientific work has reclassified many plants. There are over 11,000 synonyms for the plants detailed here. If you cannot find the plant you seek, every synonym can be accessed in the bar above. Clicking on a synonym will take the viewer direct to the plant with its currently accepted name.
French/English names: One English name and one French name have been given for each plant. However, many plants have several names, and sometimes the same name is used for several different plants. Viewers are encouraged to use the Latin name as often as possible. This may not be easy at the start, but quickly becomes easier than your own language name.
Details: Brief details are given in English and French of the flowering period, needs for light and moisture, habitat, legal status and sample GPS. This all follow the author's experience in the Cévennes, and may differ in other regions of France/England
English Description: Work in progress. Mark-up (mainly in red and bold) is my effort to indicate key points when comparing to similar sepcies. Mostly taken from R.W.Butcher 'A New Illustrated British Flora' where available. As the text is taken from scans, some typos remain. Other sources are many, including the Web, Coste 'Flore de France', Bernard 'Fleurs des Causses', Polunin 'Flowers of Europe', Cassell's 'Flowers of Europe, Collins 'Alpine Flowers', Collins 'Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Sedges of Northern Europe', and if all else fails, the authour's own knowledge.
Description Française: Accentuation (surtout des caractères rouge et gras) est à moi, pour indiquer des points clés en faisant comparaison entre des espèce très proches. S'il existe, de l'Abbé Coste 'Flore de France'. Texte scannée, donc quelques erreurs existe encore. D'autres sources inclus Bernard 'Fleurs des Causses', Polunin 'Flowers of Europe', Cassell's 'Flowers of Europe, Collins 'Alpine Flowers', Collins 'Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Sedges of Northern Europe', le Web.
Similar species: The arrows above the pictures allow related species to be found. Where possible, I have used Polunin's number to give an order to plants, inserting many species not in Polunin, and re-odering the many plants which have changed name or family since Polunin
Photos: Place mouse over the group of four photos to enlarge. If problems, ensure Active X/scripts 'enabled'.]
Photos: All photos have been taken by David Dickenson in-situ in the region (see the map for area covered). This confirms the existence of the species locally, and wherever possible, shows the plant as it is to be found in nature. The greatest of care is taken not to damage the plant or its surroundings, and inevitably means sometimes a poorer quality photo than ideal. The photos are taken from his library, and are not all neccesarily of the same plant.
If the plant was photographed on the borders of the region, this is usually stated and indicates that the plant does not exist, or is very rare, in the main area.
In a work of this size, there will inevitably be errors of identification. If you spot any such errors, please feel free to email the David Dickenson at
Illustrations: If they exist (the great majority), those of Coste are utilised. As work in hand, those of Butcher (less numerous) have been added to those of Coste. Very rarely, if neither Coste nor Butcher provides an illustration, an alternative is substituted.

Home page
English version
Version française
This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards

Some examples of orchids: