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SELECT any of the 55 HABITATs 0F THE CÉVENNES from the window on LEFT

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[Click plant name/photo to view its details on a separate page]
**(all group) **

*Comarum palustre
*Menyanthes trifoliata
*Carex limosa

** (all group) ** *

*Ranunculus flammula
*Epilobium palustre
*Myosotis scorpioides
*Myosotis nemorosa
*Veronica scutellata
*Juncus filiformis
*Eriophorum angustifolium
*Eleocharis palustris
*Carex rostrata
*Equisetum fluviatile

GROUPE 10: Tourbières de transition entre terre et eau
GROUP 10: Peat bogs in transition between earth and water

Habitat no. 58: Corine: 54.531
Tourbières tremblantes acides à laîche à bec
Acid trembling peat bogs with beaked sedge

Habitat no. 59: Corine: 54.542
Pelouses à la laîche des bourbiers et à sphaignes
Carpets of bog sedge and sphagnum moss

Habitat no. 60: Corine: 54.59
Radeaux à trèfle d'eau et à potentille des marais
Waters with bog bean and Marsh Cinquefoil

Habitat no. 61: Corine: 54.5C
Tourbières tremblantes à linaigrette engainé
Trembling peat bogs with c otton grass

All photos were taken by David Dickenson in the Cévennes

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards