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SELECT any of the 55 HABITATs 0F THE CÉVENNES from the window on LEFT

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[Click plant name/photo to view its details on a separate page]
**(all group) **

*Salix repens
*Drosera rotundifolia
*Vaccinium microcarpum
*Luzula sudetica
*Rhynchospora alba
*Eriophorum vaginatum
*Carex pauciflora

** (all group) ** *

*Potentilla erecta
*Genista anglica
*Polygala serpyllifolia
*Viola palustris
*Calluna vulgaris
*Vaccinium vitis-idaea
*Vaccinium myrtillus
*Vaccinium uliginosum subsp. microphyllum
*Juncus squarrosus
*Eriophorum angustifolium
*Carex panicea
*Carex nigra
*Carex echinata
*Dactylorhiza maculata
*Nardus stricta
*Agrostis canina
*Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea
*Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea

GROUPE 13: Tourbières hautes actives
GROUP 13: Active deep peat bogs

Habitat no. 73: Corine: 51,111
Buttes de sphaignes colorées
Mounds of coloured sphagnums

Habitat no. 74: Corine: 51.112
Base des buttes et pelouses de sphaignes vertes
Base of mounds and carpets of green sphagnum

Habitat no. 76: Corine: 51.1134
Buttes à buissons de myrtille et d'airelles
Mounds of myrtille and cowberry

Habitat no. 72: Corine: 44.924
Buissons nains de saules des marais
Scrub of creeping willow

Habitat no. 75: Corine: 51.1131
Buttes à buissons a callune
Mounds of heather bushes

All photos were taken by David Dickenson in the Cévennes

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards