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SELECT any of the 55 HABITATs 0F THE CÉVENNES from the window on LEFT

[Place mouse over any plant to enlarge. Ensure Active X/scripts 'enabled'.]
[Click plant name/photo to view its details on a separate page]
**(all group) **

*Quercus ilex
*Genista monspessulana
*Erica arborea
*Erica scoparia

** (all group) ** *

*Cistus salviifolius
*Hedera helix
*Arbutus unedo
*Calluna vulgaris
*Rubia peregrina subsp. peregrina
*Teucrium scorodonia
*Thymus nitens
*Carex olbiensis
*Carex depressa subsp. basilaris
*Carex distachya
*Brachypodium sylvaticum
*Brachypodium rupestre
*Agrostis capillaris var. capillaris

GROUPE 38: Buissons à bruyère arborescente et à chêne vert sur silice (matorrals)
GROUP 38: Wasteland thickets of tree heather and evergreen oak on schist

Habitat no. 165: Corine: 32.112
Buissons acidiphiles à chêne vert
Acidophilic thickets of evergreen oak

Habitat no. 166: Corine: 32.311
Maquis hauts de la Méditerranée occidentale
High maquis of the western Mediterranean

All photos were taken by David Dickenson in the Cévennes

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards