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SELECT any of the 55 HABITATs 0F THE CÉVENNES from the window on LEFT

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[Click plant name/photo to view its details on a separate page]
**(all group) **

*Genista sagittalis
*Calluna vulgaris
*Vaccinium myrtillus

** (all group) ** *

*Juniperus communis subsp. communis
*Dianthus seguieri subsp. seguieri
*Alchemilla saxatilis
*Potentilla erecta
*Genista pilosa
*Genista anglica
*Viola canina subsp. canina
*Erica cinerea
*Vaccinium vitis-idaea
*Jacobaea adonidifolia
*Hieracium argillaceum
*Carex pilulifera
*Nardus stricta
*Avenella flexuosa
*Festuca airoides
*Festuca arvernensis

GROUPE 40: Landes basses à bruyère, à callune ou à myrtille
GROUP 40: Lowland heath with heather or bilberry

Habitat no. 173: Corine: 31.226
Landes montagnardes à callune et à genets
Upland heath with heather and broom

All photos were taken by David Dickenson in the Cévennes

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards