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SELECT any of the 55 HABITATs 0F THE CÉVENNES from the window on LEFT

[Place mouse over any plant to enlarge. Ensure Active X/scripts 'enabled'.]
[Click plant name/photo to view its details on a separate page]
**(all group) **

*Corrigiola litoralis
*Illecebrum verticillatum
*Ranunculus sardous
*Sisymbrella aspera
*Lepidium squamatum
*Lythrum portula
*Prunella hyssopifolia
*Mentha pulegium
*Plantago maritima subsp. serpentina
*Juncus capitatus
*Juncus bufonius
*Deschampsia media

** (all group) ** *

*Rumex crispus
*Ranunculus trichophyllus
*Potentilla reptans
*Eleocharis palustris
*Carex panicea
*Carex nigra
*Agrostis stolonifera
*Phragmites australis subsp. australis

GROUPE 8: Mares temporaires
GROUP 8: Temporary ponds

Habitat no. 44: Corine: 22.3231
Gazons à jonc des crapauds
Carpets of toad rush

Habitat no. 45: Corine: 22.3417
Végétation d'herbes naines sur substrats humides
Vegetation of dwarf plants on damp substrates

Habitat no. 46: Corine: 37.5
Pelouses humides méditerranéennes rases
Mown humid mediterannean lawns

All photos were taken by David Dickenson in the Cévennes

This site is maintained by DAVID DICKENSON of NATURESCENE © 2003 onwards