Flax, Upright
LATIN: Linum strictum L.

Flax, Upright
Family : Linaceae
Flowering Cévennes: 5 - 7 . Light: sunny. . Moisture: dry
Sample Cévenol GPS : 44°20.29' N 3°29.37' E
Status: Endemic; not under threat in this region

Lin droit
Famille : Linaceae
Floraison Cévennes : 5 - 7 . Lumière: ensoleillé. . . Humidité: sec
Exemple Cévenol GPS : 44°20.29' N 3°29.37' E
Statut : Endemique ; pas menacé dans ce région
Habitat :
Lin droit
Linum strictum
Flax, Upright

(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :

Plante annuelle, à racine grêle ; tiges de 20-40 cm, raides, arrondies, à rameaux assez épais, pubescents à la face interne
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Coteaux rocailleux, dans tout le Midi, jusque dans l'Isère, le Cantal, la Vendée ; Corse.(Très rare chez nous]
Répartition hors de France : Europe méridionale ; Asie occidentale ; Afrique septentrionale

Flax, Upright plant

(modified from translated Coste):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date

Annual plant of 5-25 cm, prostrate or ascending, hairy
Ecology UK: Not native to the UK. France: Dry and stony places of the South: Provence and Dauphiné to the isère; Languedoc as far as Ardèche and Aveyron; Roussillon; Charente-Inférieure .[First report in Lozère 2021 )
Distribution outside France: Southern Europe; Western Asia; Northern Africa.
Flowering France: May-June.

Carte (c.2023) grâce à Tela Botanica

Information & Carte (c.2023) France/International grâce à INPN

Fleurs : jaunes, petites, de 1 cm, à pédicelles plus courts que le calice, rapprochées en petits faisceaux formant un corymbe compact ; sépales lancéolés, longuement acuminés, 1-2 fois plus longs que la capsule ; pétales d'un tiers plus longs que les sépales ; stigmates en tête
Floraison France : Mai-juillet

Flax, Upright flower

Flowers: whitish, quite small (8-10 mm), solitary or in pairs, sessile in the axils of the leaves; calyx very hairy, with equal teeth, shorter than the tube; standard longer than the wings and obtuse keel

Feuilles : alternes, linéaires-lancéolées, à peine atténuées à la base, très rudes [denticules antroses très nombreux] aux bords, à 1 nervure ;

Flax, Upright leaf

Leaves: oblong wedge, toothed at the top; stipules entire

Fruit : capsule globuleuse-conique.

Flax, Upright fruit

Fruit: erect pod, 2-4 cm long, linear-lanceolate, arched, hairy with protruding longitudinal veins, terminated by a 1-2 cm long beak;- 4-8 ovoid, strongly tuberculous, reddish seeds.

657 Linum strictum

Annual plant, with small root; stems of 20-40 cm, stiff, rounded, with fairly thick branches, pubescent on the internal side
Ecology UK: Not native to the UK. France: Rocky hillsides, throughout the Midi, up to Isère, Cantal, Vendée; Corsican. (Very rare with us]
Distribution outside France: Southern Europe; Western Asia; Northern Africa
Flowering France: May-July
Leaves: alternate, linear-lanceolate, barely attenuated at the base, very rough [very numerous antrose denticles] at the edges, with 1 rib;
Flowers: yellow, small, 1 cm, with pedicels shorter than the calyx, close together in small bundles forming a compact corymb; lanceolate sepals, longly acuminate,1-2 times longer than the capsule; petals one third longer than sepals; head-shaped stigmas.
Fruit: globose-conical capsule.