Feuilles : ovales-aiguës, arrondies ou obliquement en coeur à la base, inégalement dentées ou incisées-lobées, minces, d'un vert clair, glabres, sauf les nervures et les aisselles légèrement dentés;
Leaves: On young, vigorous shoots, the leaves may be up to 30 cm long, and deeply and intricately lobed, with the lobes rounded. On older trees, the leaves are generally 5-15 cm long, unlobed, cordate at the base and rounded to acuminate at the tip, and serrated on the margins.
Fruit : petits, blancs, rosés ou noirs, à saveur fade et sucrée.
Fruit: 1-2.5 cm long; in the species in the wild it is deep purple, but in many cultivated plants it varies from white to pink; it is sweet but bland, unlike the more intense flavour of the red mulberry and black mulberry . The seeds are widely dispersed by birds, which eat the fruit and excrete the seeds.